Nud Girls and Bikinis

Emilio, Photography
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Outside the city limits of Beatty NV November 29, 2015

I know you have questions. What is a nud girl, right? And, given the choice, would a man rather look at a nud girl? Or a girl in a bikini? The answer to at least one of the above isn’t as obvious as it seems. But allow me to backtrack for a moment.

My wife, Lynn, left me alone Sunday morning. She did invite me to help her sister and brother-in-law pack up their house and move, but I figured I could not handle that much fun in one day. So, ascertaining that it would not be a problem once she had time to think about it, I opted to go out shooting. I did not want to go any where we had not been before because half the fun of discovering a new place is doing it with someone you love. So, I headed north toward Tonopah, about a 3 hour trip. By the time I got to Beatty, only 2 hours away- and knowing I’d have to turn around and make the drive home by myself- I decided to stop there. Just outside the town of Beatty, at the Area 51 Alien Center, was a legal brothel called the Bunny Ranch. It is a nondescript pink building at the rear of the gas station. A few miles further up the road was a sign for “Nud Girls” on the side of a now vacant building. I would assume it was another brothel but perhaps not. Perhaps it was merely a nude bar or strip joint- the E in NUDE obliterated by a sash announcing the building’s availability. So the mystery of a nud girl is not such a mystery. But the question, would a man rather look at a nud girl or a girl in a bikini, is not such a difficult one for me.

I would rather look at a girl in a bikini.


See, I like a little mystery!