Jane Lurie

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“Photography helps people to see”. This quote by Berenice Abbott has always been a favorite. The ability to see and capture a moment in time is the true pleasure, for me, of photography.

My name is Jane Lurie. I grew up in New Jersey and worked in the education field for my career. I moved to South Carolina outside of Charleston for fifteen years before moving to San Francisco a few years ago.

I still remember the thrill of getting my first SLR camera, a Minolta, in high school. When I started taking darkroom classes I discovered the power of black and white photography. I revered Ansel Adams and his landscapes.

Digital cameras and blogging provided new avenues for me and I’m inspired by the connections and creative possibilities. I am drawn to many subjects, especially landscapes, street photography, portraiture, architecture and nature.

I am very pleased to be a part of Monochromia, a talented group infatuated with black and white photography. It is nice to know you are all out there looking for the light and seeing in monochrome.

To visit Jane’s website please click – here

San Francisco, California

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